I tried to obtain the source global IP address from HTTP requests through Kubernetes Ingress, but I ended up getting the IP address of Kubernetes' local network, which wasn't successful.
By switching Kubernetes to microk8s and using the built-in ingress controller, I was able to obtain the global remote IP address. Here are the notes.
The OS of the node is Ubuntu 20.04
In 2021.
The LAN is, and both the Kubernetes nodes and the requesting PC have IP addresses of 192.168.0.X.
I started Rancher with Docker, and in the built-in k3s cluster, I deployed the following:
kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/controller-v0.41.2/deploy/static/provider/baremetal/deploy.yaml
This set up the ingress controller.
When I started an nginx pod and made a request through Ingress, checking the access logs showed:
This was the IP address of the gateway within Kubernetes.
I wanted this to be the original IP address of the requesting PC, but I couldn't find any useful information to achieve that.
In 2022.
I discarded the above Kubernetes cluster and created a new MicroK8s cluster.
sudo snap install microk8s --classic
Enabled the Ingress controller
microk8s enable dns ingress
With the Ingress manifest and other configurations the same as in step 1, when I made a request, the logs showed:
This correctly obtained the client's IP address.