A note on incorporating https://github.com/devinross/tapkulibrary into my project.
I added it because I wanted to use the calendar view.
This library provides a convenient collection of existing class extension categories and views.
The official usage can be found at:
Clone the repository at an appropriate location using: git clone git://github.com/devinross/tapkulibrary.git
Drag and drop TapkuLibrary.xcodeproj into your project via Finder.
If you have TapkuLibrary.xcodeproj open in another Xcode instance, the project will be locked and you won't be able to open it, so make sure to close all other instances of Xcode. (I got stuck here for quite a while)
Additionally, include TapkuLibrary.bundle as well.
Select the light blue icon of your project in Xcode, choose the build target from TARGETS, and click the Build Phases tab.
Click the + button in Target Dependencies and add TapkuLibrary.
Open the Link Binary With Libraries section, click the + button, and add libTapkuLibrary.a.
(Not very confident about this part)
In the Build Settings tab > Search Paths group > Header Search Path, add the directory where TopkuLibrary.h is located.
I specified it using an absolute path.
Example: /Users/ytyng/workspace/ios/frameworks/tapkulibrary/src
This doesn't feel very smart, so there might be other solutions.
With this setup, you should be able to:
#import <TapkuLibrary/TapkuLibrary.h>
In the Build Settings tab > Linking group > Other Linker Flags
Add -ObjC
If you don't add this, the categories won't load and the views won't work.