If the volume mounted with Goofys is not visible to other users
If this is not done, other users will encounter a "permission denied" error even if viewed by root.
Enable user_allow_other in /etc/fuse.conf.
In Ansible, it would look like this:
- lineinfile:
path: /etc/fuse.conf
insertafter: '#user_allow_other'
line: 'user_allow_other'
become: yes
Something like this.
Include -o allow_other in the Goofys command.
In bash, it would look like this:
killall goofys
sleep 1s
export GOPATH=/usr/local/golang
sudo -u ubuntu ${GOPATH}/bin/goofys -o allow_other --region ap-northeast-1 your-s3-backet-name /mnt/your-mountpoint
Example of test method
sudo -u www-data ls /mnt/your-mountpoint